Redefining Events Management – 360 Degrees Approach

Article published at: 10 أكتوبر 2023 Article author: Rizwan Zahid
Redefining Events Management – 360 Degrees Approach
All Creative Solutions

Your event date has been set, invitations sent out & even better, you have received attendance confirmations! BUT… several elements will seal an events’ deal & make it outstanding. Let us rewind for a bit to check that list together (or make sure you do not miss out on it). 

Aside from taking care of the flowers’ colors, arrangements, seating plans, cuisine of choice, fresh sourcing and catering of international and local delicacies, time management, welcome banners’ printing, decorating the desired location and much more (of-coarse the later fall under our offered services) we do advise you do attend to the following elements and factors that will definitely contribute to the success of your event in whatever format it will be.  

Before we list the marketing, online and offline creative fundamentals, we would like to disclose that we do provide every single one of them in case your in-house team is hands full or even maybe if you do not have one to start with. 

Our creative services include, but not limited to (yes, a pretty much used phrase) includes the following and you can choose them all or mix & match them in a package depending on what you believe your event requires to increase its effectiveness offline and online:  

Your Event Yoda  

Event Consultancy  

You can consult us on the event you have in mind even before you go ahead and start planning it and booking us to help you execute it. You might be pouring this excitement  in a slightly (irrelevant) direction. If you are not sure about what your audience prefers and what might spark their interest. Once we sort this out together we are good to proceed with the conceptualization, planning and execution of your event.  

Points we assist you with: 

  • Market study 
  • Audience understanding 
  • Concepts (pitching new and classical concepts that suit your business for you to choose from) 
  • Turning your dream event into reality ( no need to pitch you a concept in this case but plan out the execution for a concept you highly believe in & at the same time advising you on what works with your budget and your market to make your concept more impactful)  

Eye Catching 

Offline Brochures, Backdrops & Posters 

An on-ground event is not limited to attendees, food catering, music, setting up decoration and the rest of the elements we all are aware of. An event will be more impactful if it gets well prepared prior to its date especially if introduced professionally online and offline.  

We assist you in hooking your audience in an appealing manner by creatively designing your offline announcement & on-ground appearance and much more:

  • Teasers offline 
  • Reaching out to data base 
  • Designing brochures that align with the chosen concept 
  • Out of the box ideas & approaches that appeal to the audience 
  • Instagrammable posters 
  • Perfect backdrops & non-cringe imagery  

Making Memories 

Photography & Videography  

Definitely an out question necessity, whether you choose us or outsource this vital step. A memorable evidence of your successful event is a must for your portfolio and outreach. 

Your guests would love to share their remarkable presence and post about the event. We have just the right talents, tools and experiences to handle it and much more: 

  • Professional visual content in various formats that works well on YT , website & social media platforms 
  • Smart editing of the videos and photos taken 
  • Appealing to attract more audience / push existing ones to share 
  • Videography that is aesthetic & best representative of your values & brand positioning 

Take me Home  

Takeaways & Souvenirs 

We make sure that they keep thinking of you months after the event. How ? An all time favorite (yet tricky) trick (takeaways). But, not any takeaways that might come across as boring or lame. Our takeaways suggestions & sourcing will always be relevant, purposeful and unique. We will assist you by: 

  • Discussing with you the latest market trends when it comes to gadgets, souvenirs and takeaways
  • Advising on what works best for your audience 
  • What impact and uses will this choice have
  • Making sure you do not offer any useless or repetitive items  

Online Matters 

Landing Pages, Web Design, Ads & Much more  

Just like your offline appealing presence that will be displayed via posters, leaflets and much more, we do take care of your online presence prior and post the event by making sure that you reach the right audience through the exquisite messaging, content design and distribution. We will assist you by:

  • Preparing a suitable messaging that best represents your event 
  • Eye capturing design that will make the viewer scroll down / book / reserve 
  • Bilingual copy that will cover your audience Interactive & user friendly pages 
  • Effective ads to boost your event 
  • Paid media budgeting & plans. Driving traffic to your website  
Enhanced Search Engines  


Your online presence will not be seamless without mastering the art of proper SEO and SEM to boost its existence on the search engines. You will rank better when we embed the impactful and most researched for terms in your ads copy, landing pages and meta descriptions. We can assist you with:

  • Organic & paid copy that enhances your SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page) 
  • Incorporating links & keywords that are searchable for your event / industry  


Not turning a blind eye to all that was mentioned above will assist you in standing out from the rest. Every event eventually comes to an end but the impact it leaves and the preparations that buildup to its occurrence are of a high importance. 

Our creative solutions are results driven in both the short and long run. Whether you decide to handle it yourself or hand this torch to our experts, make sure you do not limit any event you are willing to organize to on-ground presence between the timelines of starting time and closing time. Any event needs a proper positioning offline and online that has to be aligned with your brand, objectives, values and purpose.
